-- This program calculates the number of years it would -- take for invested capital to exceed 100000 at 9.25% interest with Ada.Text_Io, Ada.Float_Text_Io, Ada.Integer_Text_Io; use Ada.Text_Io, Ada.Float_Text_Io, Ada.Integer_Text_Io; -- Ada 95: From The Beginning -- Chapter 2, Problem 10 procedure Ch2Problem10 is Capital : Float := 0.0; Interest: Float := 0.0925; Years : Integer := 0; begin Put("Enter beginning balance: "); Get(Capital); if( Capital <= 0.0 ) then Put("Accounts must have a positive balance for interest."); return; end if; while Capital < 100000.0 loop Capital := Capital + (Capital * Interest); Years := Years + 1; end loop; Put("Years to $100000.00: "); Put(Years); New_Line; end Ch2Problem10;